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// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// Created by Sam Deane on 27/07/22.
// All code (c) 2022 - present day, Elegant Chaos Limited.
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
import SwiftUI
public enum VisibilityChange {
case hidden
case shown
public class VisibilityTracker<ID: Hashable>: ObservableObject {
/// The global bounds of the container view.
public var containerBounds: CGRect
/// Dictionary containing the offset of every visible view.
public var visibleViews: [ID:CGFloat]
/// Ids of the visible views, sorted by offset.
/// The first item is the top view, the last one, the bottom view.
public var sortedViewIDs: [ID]
/// Action to perform when a view becomes visible or is hidden.
public var action: Action
/// The id of the top visible view.
public var topVisibleView: ID? { sortedViewIDs.first }
/// The id of the bottom visible view.
public var bottomVisibleView: ID? { sortedViewIDs.last }
/// Action callback signature.
public typealias Action = (ID, VisibilityChange, VisibilityTracker<ID>) -> ()
public init(action: @escaping Action) {
self.containerBounds = .zero
self.visibleViews = [:]
self.sortedViewIDs = []
self.action = action
public func reportContainerBounds(_ bounds: CGRect) {
containerBounds = bounds
public func reportContentBounds(_ bounds: CGRect, id: ID) {
let topLeft = bounds.origin
let size = bounds.size
let bottomRight = CGPoint(x: topLeft.x + size.width, y: topLeft.y + size.height)
let isVisible = containerBounds.contains(topLeft) || containerBounds.contains(bottomRight)
let wasVisible = visibleViews[id] != nil
// print("report content bounds start")
// print(id)
// print(bounds.width)
// print(bounds.height)
// print(bounds.origin)
// print(containerBounds)
// print("report content bounds end")
visibleViews[id] = -1 * (bounds.origin.y - containerBounds.origin.y)
// if (abs(visibleViews[id]! ) > 500 || visibleViews[id]! < 0) {
if (((id.hashValue) != "1".hashValue && visibleViews[id]! < 0) ||
bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0
|| bounds.origin.x == 0 || bounds.origin.y == 0
|| abs(visibleViews[id]! ) > 500 )
visibleViews.removeValue(forKey: id)
// if (visibleViews[id]! > 0) {
// visibleViews.removeValue(forKey: id)
// }
action(id, .shown, self)
// if isVisible {
// visibleViews[id] = bounds.origin.y - containerBounds.origin.y
// sortViews()
// if !wasVisible {
// action(id, .shown, self)
// }
// } else {
// if wasVisible {
// visibleViews.removeValue(forKey: id)
// sortViews()
// action(id, .hidden, self)
// }
// }
func sortViews() {
let sortedPairs = visibleViews.sorted(by: { Int($0.1) < Int($1.1) })
// let sortedPairs = visibleViews.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })
sortedViewIDs = { $0.0 }