import Foundation import GRDB let totalLevels = 3 struct AppDatabase { /// Creates an `AppDatabase`, and make sure the database schema is ready. init(_ dbWriter: any DatabaseWriter) throws { self.dbWriter = dbWriter try migrator.migrate(dbWriter) } /// Provides access to the database. /// /// Application can use a `DatabasePool`, while SwiftUI previews and tests /// can use a fast in-memory `DatabaseQueue`. /// /// See private let dbWriter: any DatabaseWriter /// The DatabaseMigrator that defines the database schema. /// /// See private var migrator: DatabaseMigrator { var migrator = DatabaseMigrator() #if DEBUG // Speed up development by nuking the database when migrations change // See migrator.eraseDatabaseOnSchemaChange = true #endif migrator.registerMigration("createLine") { db in // Create a table // See try db.create(table: "Line") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("body", .text).notNull() t.column("chap", .integer).notNull() t.column("line_id", .integer).notNull() t.column("book", .text).notNull() t.column("verse", .integer) } try db.create(table: "Seg") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("seg_id", .integer).notNull() t.column("line_id", .integer).notNull() t.column("book", .text).notNull() } try db.create(table: "Ribbon") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("pos", .integer).notNull() t.column("groupId", .integer).notNull() t.column("undoLevel", .integer).notNull() t.column("currentLevel", .integer).notNull() t.column("minLevel", .integer).notNull() t.column("maxLevel", .integer).notNull() .defaults(to: 1) t.column("title", .text).notNull() t.column("book", .text).notNull() t.column("scrollOffset", .integer).notNull() t.column("scrollId", .text) } try db.create(table: "SelectedRibbon") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("ribbonGroupId", .integer).notNull() } try db.create(table: "ScrollState") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("scrollId", .text).notNull() t.column("scrollOffset", .integer).notNull() } // change this to nuke/remake the database try db.create(table: "foo4") { t in t.autoIncrementedPrimaryKey("id") t.column("ribbonId", .integer).notNull() } } // Migrations for future application versions will be inserted here: // migrator.registerMigration(...) { db in // ... // } return migrator } } // MARK: - Database Access: Writes func load(_ filename: String) -> T { let data: Data guard let file = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil) else { fatalError("Couldn't find \(filename) in main bundle.") } do { data = try Data(contentsOf: file) } catch { fatalError("Couldn't load \(filename) from main bundle:\n\(error)") } do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data) } catch { fatalError("Couldn't parse \(filename) as \(T.self):\n\(error)") } } extension AppDatabase { func getSelectedRibbon() async throws -> [Ribbon] { try await dbWriter.write { db in var sr = try Ribbon.fetchAll(db, sql: """ SELECT Ribbon.* FROM SelectedRibbon \ JOIN (select distinct r1.* from Ribbon r1 join Ribbon r2 ON \ r1.undoLevel = r2.currentLevel AND = ORDER BY pos ASC) as Ribbon \ ON SelectedRibbon.ribbonGroupId = Ribbon.groupId \ WHERE SelectedRibbon.rowId = 1 """) print("meow get selected ribbon \(sr)") return sr } } func updateRibbonPosition(_ ribbon: inout Ribbon, _ oldPos: Int, _ newPos: Int) async throws { try await dbWriter.write { [ribbon] db in // This is only for moving back rn print("MEOW HERE") print(oldPos) print(newPos) print(ribbon) print(!) print("MEOW HERE 2") // try db.execute(sql: """ // BEGIN TRANSACTION; // """) do { if (newPos < oldPos) { try db.execute(sql: """ UPDATE Ribbon SET pos = CASE WHEN pos = ? THEN ? ELSE pos + 1 END WHERE (pos >= ? AND pos <= ?) """, arguments: [oldPos, newPos, newPos, oldPos]) } else { print("DIFFFFF") try db.execute(sql: """ UPDATE Ribbon SET pos = CASE WHEN pos = ? THEN ? ELSE pos - 1 END WHERE (pos >= ? AND pos <= ?) """, arguments: [oldPos, newPos, oldPos, newPos]) } // try db.execute(sql: """ // UPDATE Ribbon // SET pos = ? // WHERE (id = ?) // """, arguments: [newPos,!]) var ret = try Ribbon.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM Ribbon ORDER BY pos ASC") // [Player] // print(ret) print("all") print(ret) } catch { print("Error info: \(error)") } // try ribbon.saved(db) // try db.execute(sql: """ // COMMIT; // """) } } func saveRibbon(_ ribbon: inout Ribbon) async throws { // if { // throw ValidationError.missingName // } ribbon = try await dbWriter.write { [ribbon] db in try ribbon.saved(db) } } func redoRibbon(_ ribbon: inout Ribbon) async throws { let currentLevel = ribbon.currentLevel let minLevel = ribbon.maxLevel if currentLevel == minLevel { print("no where to redo") return } let newCurrent = (ribbon.currentLevel + 1) %% totalLevels do { try await dbWriter.write { [ribbon] db in try db.execute(sql: """ UPDATE Ribbon \ SET currentLevel = ? WHERE groupId = ? """, arguments: [newCurrent, ribbon.groupId]) } } catch { print("Redo Ribbon Error info: \(error)") } } // this sets the current undoLevel to the previous value // if you can go back func undoRibbon(_ ribbon: inout Ribbon) async throws { let currentLevel = ribbon.currentLevel let minLevel = ribbon.minLevel if currentLevel == minLevel { print("no where to undo") return } let newCurrent = (ribbon.currentLevel - 1) %% totalLevels do { try await dbWriter.write { [ribbon] db in try db.execute(sql: """ UPDATE Ribbon \ SET currentLevel = ? WHERE groupId = ? """, arguments: [newCurrent, ribbon.groupId]) } } catch { print("Undo Ribbon Error info: \(error)") } } // deletes all undo steps above the current undo level // and adds new undo level at the new current level, // adjusts the minLevel and maxLevel func bumpRibbon(_ ribbon: inout Ribbon) async throws -> [Ribbon] { var level = ribbon.currentLevel let maxLevel = ribbon.maxLevel // gets all the levels from the current to the max // so they can be deleted var delLevels2 = [Int]() if level != maxLevel { repeat { level = (level + 1) %% totalLevels delLevels2.append(level) } while level != maxLevel } let delLevels = delLevels2 let newMax = (ribbon.currentLevel + 1) %% totalLevels let newCurrent = newMax let newMin = newMax == ribbon.minLevel ? (ribbon.minLevel + 1) %% totalLevels : ribbon.minLevel ribbon.minLevel = newMin ribbon.maxLevel = newMax ribbon.undoLevel = newCurrent ribbon.currentLevel = newCurrent = nil do { try await dbWriter.write { [ribbon] db in for l in delLevels { try db.execute(sql: """ DELETE FROM Ribbon \ WHERE groupId = ? \ AND undoLevel = ? """, arguments: [ribbon.groupId, l]) } try db.execute(sql: """ UPDATE Ribbon \ SET minLevel = ?, maxLevel = ?, currentLevel = ? WHERE groupId = ? """, arguments: [newMin, newMax, newCurrent, ribbon.groupId]) // upsert var ret = try Ribbon.fetchAll(db, sql: """ SELECT * from Ribbon WHERE groupId = ? AND undoLevel = ? """, arguments: [ribbon.groupId, ribbon.undoLevel]) if ret.count == 0 { // insert _ = try ribbon.inserted(db) } else { var updatedRibbon = ret[0] updatedRibbon.minLevel = newMin updatedRibbon.maxLevel = newMax updatedRibbon.undoLevel = newCurrent updatedRibbon.currentLevel = newCurrent updatedRibbon.scrollId = ribbon.scrollId updatedRibbon.scrollOffset = ribbon.scrollOffset try updatedRibbon.update(db) } ret = try Ribbon.fetchAll(db, sql: """ SELECT * from Ribbon WHERE groupId = ? AND undoLevel = ? """, arguments: [ribbon.groupId, newCurrent]) return ret } } catch { print("Error info: \(error)") } return [] } func saveSelectedRibbon(_ selectedRibbon: inout SelectedRibbon) async throws { // if { // throw ValidationError.missingName // } try await dbWriter.write { [selectedRibbon] db in try selectedRibbon.update(db) } } func saveScrollState(_ scrollState: inout ScrollState) async throws { // if { // throw ValidationError.missingName // } try await dbWriter.write { [scrollState] db in try scrollState.update(db) } } func importJson(_ filename: String, _ db: Database) throws { let importJson: JsonImport = load(filename) var x = 0 // if try Line.all().isEmpty(db) { for l in importJson.lines { // print("importing Lines") if x < 5 { print(l) x += 1 } _ = try l.inserted(db) } x = 0 for l in importJson.segs { // print("importing SEGS") if x < 5 { print(l) x += 1 } _ = try l.inserted(db) } } /// Create random Lines if the database is empty. func initDatabase() throws { do { try dbWriter.write { db in if try Line.all().isEmpty(db) { try importJson("john_export.json", db) try importJson("mark_export.json", db) try importJson("acts_export.json", db) _ = try Ribbon(id: 1, groupId: 1, pos: 1, undoLevel: 0, currentLevel: 0, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: 0, title: "Gospel of John", book: "bible.john", scrollId: "1", scrollOffset: 0).inserted(db) _ = try Ribbon(id: 2, groupId: 2, pos: 2, undoLevel: 0, currentLevel: 0, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: 0, title: "Gospel according to Mark", book: "bible.mark", scrollId: "1", scrollOffset: 300).inserted(db) ///// _ = try Ribbon(id: 3, groupId: 3, pos: 3, undoLevel: 0, currentLevel: 2, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: 2, title: "Acts", book: "bible.acts", scrollId: "1", scrollOffset: 0).inserted(db) _ = try Ribbon(id: 4, groupId: 3, pos: 3, undoLevel: 1, currentLevel: 2, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: 2, title: "Acts", book: "bible.acts", scrollId: "1", scrollOffset: 0).inserted(db) _ = try Ribbon(id: 5, groupId: 3, pos: 3, undoLevel: 2, currentLevel: 2, minLevel: 0, maxLevel: 2, title: "Acts", book: "bible.acts", scrollId: "1", scrollOffset: 0).inserted(db) _ = try SelectedRibbon(id: 1, ribbonGroupId: 1).inserted(db) } } } catch { print("Error info: \(error)") } } } // MARK: - Database Access: Reads // This demo app does not provide any specific reading method, and insteadKK // gives an unrestricted read-only access to the rest of the application. // In your app, you are free to choose another path, and define focused // reading methods. extension AppDatabase { /// Provides a read-only access to the database var reader: DatabaseReader { dbWriter } }